World Languages

About World Languages & Cultures

Seal of Biliteracy and Credit Through Testing

Seal of Biliteracy

The State Seal of Biliteracy is an award given to graduating high school seniors, regardless of diploma type, that have attained proficiency in English and one or more languages.

 In awarding the Seal of Biliteracy to graduating seniors who met the requirements we seek to:

  1. Prepare students for our 21st century global society;

  2. The development of literacy in two or more languages is known to offer significant advantages to students such as increasing mental flexibility, divergent thinking and mathematical problem solving;

  3. Encourage students to develop and maintain biliteracy and multilingual skills;

  4. Recognize and honor our rich and diverse language assets our students possess;

  5. Promote the early study of world languages;

  6. Strengthen intergroup relationships, affirm the value of diversity, and honor the multiple cultures and languages of a community; and

  7. Provide employers and universities with a method of identifying people with language and biliteracy skills.

Students may register for the CTT on LARS beginning September 17, 2021. A confirmation ticket will be sent to the student and the parent/guardian email on file.

Students wishing to earn the Seal of Biliteracy for Latin will need to take the ALIRA. Please see Ms. Prokopchak for information on this assessment.