Housing Resources
Stable housing is a key element to the success of a student. Families can find themselves in housing transition for many reasons. There are many resources available to families to help with housing situations.
The McKinney-Vento Act guarantees school enrollment for anyone who does not have a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence. Please apply if you are living:
in an emergency shelter or transitional housing,
in a motel, hotel, car, RV, public space or abandoned building because you have nowhere else to go,
doubled up with relatives or friends due to loss of housing or economic hardship,
migratory children living in any of the above situations,
school aged students not in the physical custody of a parent or legal guardian living in any of the above situations.
Services available include:
Immediate enrollment, even if missing normally required registration documentation (school records, medical records, vaccination records, proof of residency),
Remain at the school the student last attended when they had permanent housing (school of origin),
Receive transportation to the school of origin,
Receive free school meals,
Access school programs.
To receive consideration, complete the online application
Low cost Housing: Loudoun Department of Family Services will assist families in danger of eviction and homelessness. Please call the DFS Information and Referral line, at 703-777-0420. DFS will help the individuals with next steps, based on their individual situations.
Emergency Shelters: Loudoun County has three emergency shelters. Each shelter is open to residents of Loudoun County and offers tailored programs to help with short-term needs as well as lower the risk of homelessness in the future. Resources also include drop-in services to provide showers, laundry and computer access. Also available through this resource are hypothermia shelters, transition housing and rapid re-housing.
Legal Resources: You can contact the following organizations for legal assistance in the event of an eviction:
Contact Legal Aid at 866-534-5243 or click here
Legal Services of Northern Virginia provides free legal consultations. Call 703-778-6800 or visit lsnv.org
If you feel that you are being discriminated against, call the Virginia Fair Housing Office at 804-367-8530 or 888-551-3247 or click here