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2023-2024 Season Listed in "Upcoming Productions" Tab.
Thank you to everyone who auditioned! Congratulations! Our first rehearsal is this Wednesday at 4:30pm.
Stage Measurements for Tech Theatre
Information for LCHS stage Floor plan – Tech Theatre Class
Using the following information, create two floor plan drawings: 1. Show all the perimeters of the stage including doors, walls the proscenium arch, the downstage edge of the stage, etc. 2. Show the location of all curtains, electrics, and free battens on the stage.
Full Depth (Back wall to Downstage edge) of stage - 43'8"
Full Width of Stage (side wall stage right to side wall stage left) 49'11"
Stage right wall (back stage) moving from upstage to downstage - Wall - 6'4" , door - 3'4", wall 16'
Stage left wall (back stage) moving from upstage to downstage - Wall - 6'4", door is 3'4", wall 16'
Proscenium Ht. - 17'8"
Proscenium width - 35'9"
Stage Left wing - 7'
Stage Right wing - 7'
Down stage edge of stage to Curtain Line - 18'9"
Proscenium corners to front edge of stage 16'9"
Grand Drape to Mid-stage Traveller - 8'10"
Upstage free batten (1 1/2" pipe) closest to wall - 2'4"
Upstage free batten (1" pipe) 2nd closest to wall - 3'
3rd electric from back wall - 7'8"
2nd electric from back wall - 13'
1st electric from back wall - 22'8"
Upstage Traveller from back wall - 4'7"
3rd teaser (farthest upstage) and legs from back wall - 9'
2nd teaser from back wall - 15'10"
Mid stage traveller from back wall - 15'11"
1st teaser from back wall - 21'4"
Floor to Bottom of Grand Drape Teaser 14'5"
Front of stage to Grand Drape (Curtain Line) - 18'9"
Grand Drape to Mid-stage Traveller - 8'10"
Down stage legs to Mid-stage traveller - 3'5"
Height to bottom of teasers - 14'9"
Downstage legs to Grand drape - 5'
Width between Downstage legs - 25'7"
Width between Upstage legs - 23'4"
Midstage Traveller to Upstage legs - 6'11"
Center stage free batten (right behind teaser) - 15' 2"
Height to all free battens - 17'11"
Back wall of stage from Stage right corner – 5” to door, door span is 6’9”, wall span is 29’5”, door span is 8’4”
Good luck!