“L’homme qui sait deux langues en vaut deux.”
World Languages and Cultures
"A man who speaks two languages is worth two men."

“Wer zwei Sprachen kann, ist zwei Menschen wert.”

“Homo qui scit duas linguas est dignus duobus hominibus.”

“Una persona que habla dos idiomas, vale por dos.”
In order to prepare our students for the global society in the 21st century, the World Language and Culture Division of the Department of Instruction affords students from middle through high school the opportunity to study an array of foreign languages.
The secondary world language program begins in grade 7. Over sixty percent of grade 7 and more than eighty percent of grade 8 students are currently enrolled in high school foreign language classes. Choices of languages include French, German, Latin, Spanish or Spanish for Fluent Speakers. Throughout high school, students may continue the study of these languages to the Advanced Placement Level or begin a three-year program of American Sign Language. Through these programs, the LCPS World Language and Culture Office provides the skills and preparation for students to have a broad understanding of the world, proficiency in other languages, and knowledge of other cultures.
World Languages and Culture Faculty
Email Melanie Nunes- German III-AP
Email Barry Deuel- American Sign Language I-IVH
Email Matthew Landers - Department Chair - Spanish I, IVH, VH,
Email Emilie Moskal - French II-AP
Email Bryan Boeing Spanish III, IVH, Spanish for Fluent Speakers III
Email Joshua Brown- Spanish III, DE Spanish, AP Spanish
Email Kelly Darling- Spanish II, III
Tips for Parents
Learning a Second Language: How Parents Can Help
You don't have to understand Spanish or Japanese to help him boost his language skills. Here's how parents can support language learning at home.
By GreatSchools Staff
A parent's attitude toward language learning is crucial to a child's success, say language teachers and researchers. And parents don't always recognize the value of learning a second language in a changing world, says Marty Abbott, director of education for the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. "Adult Americans are for the most part monolingual. They say, 'Well, I've been successful.'"
Why learn a language? It's likely to help your child become a better thinker, as well as giving her an advantage in the work world.
Here's what you can do to support language classes at your child's school and language learning at home:
Help your child make time to practice. Learning a language is like learning to play an instrument, says Paula Patrick, foreign language coordinator for the Fairfax County, Va., public schools. There needs to be time to practice.
Have your student teach you to say something in the language every day. Explaining is learning. Let your child laugh at your mangled pronunciation - and correct you.
Find cultural events connected to the language and culture being studied. "I'm big on kids developing a personal connection with the language because at some point, they'll hit a teacher they don't connect with," says Michael Bacon, who coordinates the nationally recognized language immersion programs for public schools in Portland, Ore. This can be tough in communities without many immigrants or for families whose children are studying less commonly used languages like Arabic or Mandarin. But it can often be done with some creative thinking. Bacon says Portland students in a Japanese class acted as translators for a child from Japan who was admitted to a local hospital. Or check to see if your city has a sister city program or your local business community has ties abroad that can connect students to native speakers.
Ask the teacher for resources your child can use at home. The Internet offers a wealth of language resources unimaginable even a few years ago. "Challenge that teacher to think outside the box," says Tom Welch, a former French teacher, Kentucky Teacher of the Year and principal, and currently an education consultant. "If the teacher's not responsive, say to your child, 'Let's get online together and find out what we can discover that can help you.'"
Provide videos, books and music in the language. "You can even use these in beginning language class," Patrick says. "You can get meaning even if you don't get every word." Ask the teacher for suggestions before you buy to make sure the resources are geared toward a young learner rather than an adult business traveler.
Look for opportunities outside the classroom. Summer language camps are one resource. The 50-year-old a Concordia Languages Villages offer camps for kids from 7-18 in 14 languages in Minnesota. Study abroad opportunities are great for high school students. Families of students of all ages can consider hosting a foreign exchange student. Talk to parents, teachers and administrators about bringing native speakers from the school staff and larger community to talk to students in the language class. Have an international night and invite the community.
Volunteer to organize a career day that features jobs that use skills in more than one language. Think there aren't many? Take a look at the Monterey Language Institute's list of careers, which includes a list of business jobs gleaned from a search of the top job search Web sites.
Be an advocate. Having a great program in elementary school doesn't guarantee that classes will be available in middle or high school to increase your child's skills. Ask about your district's plans to provide continuous language-learning opportunities for students at all grade levels, and learn how you can help. The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages offers tips for parents who want to advocate for language programs in their communities.
Honor Societies
LCHS World Languages Honor Societies
LCHS has four World Languages Honor Societies. To be inducted into one of them, there are requirements that must be met. Each honor society has different requirements, but the commonalities are the student must study the world language including and through their senior year of high school, and remain current with their membership dues. The four honor societies are:
Société Honoraire de Français
(National French Honor Society)
Deutsche Ehrenverbindung
(National German Honor Society)
Scholae Latina Societas Honoris
(Latin Honor Society)
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica
(National Spanish Honor Society)
Typically, the student is identified in their fourth year, second semester of foreign language study. If they meet the grade requirements and the cumulative GPA requirements and agree to continue studying the language until their graduation, they will receive a congratulatory letter, and an invitation to join.
Each honor society operates separately and some of the societies participate in their own community service projects, cultural activities and tutoring programs within the school.
If you have questions regarding our World Languages Honor Societies, please contact the World Languages and Cultures Department Chairperson. 571-252-2000