Arrival & Dismissal Routines

Walkers & Car Riders

If your student is a walker, please remind them to use the cross walks, including in the parking lot.

AM Procedure

Walkers and car riders will enter through the B-8 entrance (on the left hand side of the school) rather than the main entrance to the school. Students are allowed to enter the B-8 entrance at 8:00am. Students will need to wait if they arrive earlier than 8:00am. We ask that parents make sure to pull all the way up when in the car line.

6th graders will report to the gym, 7th graders to the cafeteria, and 8th graders to the auditorium once they enter the B-8 entrance.

Note that the B-8 entrance is locked after 8:30am. If your student arrives after 8:30am and the door is locked, they will need to go to the main entrance of the school to check in.

PM Procedure

Walkers and car riders will exit the school through the B-8 doors. Car Rider Parents - If you arrive early, we ask that parents park on the left hand side of the school and wait for their student. This will help to alleviate traffic backed out onto Gloucester Parkway. Thank you for your patience!

Bus Riders

AM Procedure

Buses will pull up in front of the school. Bus riders will enter the building through the A-1 entrance.

PM Procedure

Bus riders will exit the building through the A-1 doors. 


If you need to drop by the school for another reason besides dropping off or picking up your student, please park in the parking lot to the left of the school. Head to the main entrance doors and ring the bell. Have your ID ready.

Walker Expectations

This past year, we experienced a considerable increase in the number of students that walked to and from school and we recognized some issues of concern. Please review the following information and have a discussion with your student(s) regarding expectations prior to the start of our new year:

  • Walkers need to maintain their path of travel to home upon the dismissal bell. They should not be stopping in the car riders’ area to socialize. Once they exit the school building, they are not to re-enter.

  • Students are to go directly home upon leaving the school.

  • Road crossings (Gloucester Parkway and within the parking lot) are to only be at the crosswalks and only when the crossing light/crossing guard gives permission.

  • Horseplay and/or fighting is absolutely not allowed.

  • Respect for others and their property is expected.

  • The transition to and from school is considered a part of the school day and all school rules apply.

  • Disciplinary action and consequences will be assigned, as appropriate for failure to abide by school rules while traveling to and from school.