Falcon Pals

Student Improve Tutoring logo

This is a club FOR the students BY the students. This club is for any 7th grader needing extra help with finishing up class work (all subjects), studying for quizzes/tests, understanding concepts they are having trouble with, etc. Each student requesting help in any subject will be paired with a pal. Pals(tutors) are their fellow 7th grade students or 8th grade students interested in helping others and proficient in their subject level knowledge. This will also be a safe place to develop friendships and have fun with peers.

Club Sponsors

The club sponsor is Manju Gomathinayagam (Mrs. G.). She can be emailed.  The co-sponsor of this club is Mrs. Arora.

Meeting Information

The club will meet every Tuesday from 3:30pm-4:20pm in Room B-5. The first club meeting is Tuesday, October 17.

Note that there are no activity buses after school this year. If you prefer to pick up your student at 4:20pm or give permission for your student to walk home at 4:20pm, please inform the club sponsor.  

How to Join

If you are a 7th grader and would like to join this club to get help in any subject, then please fill this form out by October 4.  

If you are a 7th or 8th grader and are interested in tutoring a 7th grader, then fill this form out by October 4. 

If you were a tutor last year, then all you have to do is send an email stating your interest. You will be contacted with further details by October 11.

Are there Fees?

There is no fee to join this club.

Other Information