Young Naturalist Club
Welcome to the Young Naturalist Club
This club is for any 7th or 8th grader that loves the outdoors and is interested in nature journaling and sketching. We will be following The Cornell Lab of Ornithology's nature journaling course. In this club you will learn the basics of nature journaling and field sketching, which includes but not limited to: scientific thinking, techniques of applying color, unlocking your observation skills and more.
We will spend most of our time outdoors, in and around the school grounds. The plan is to make one entry in our journals each month. As we will only be meeting once a month, you will have to complete the work started at class, at home. Five of the completed nature journals will be chosen and submitted for an award with the Loudoun Conservancy Group and the Roger Tory Peterson Organization. One winner from the five submitted journals will be announced in June.