Guilford PTA is made up of parents, just like you, as well as teachers and school administrators who help to plan events and fundraisers to support Guildford Elementary School. When we get back to school you will look for the PINK PTA PAPERS that come home with your students so that you will know what is happening with the PTA EVENTS. Also, we would love for you to JOIN AS A PTA MEMBER! The cost is just $10 for the school year. As a PTA member, you will be able to help support our school by having the opportunity to vote for PTA Officers and perhaps even become an officer yourself.
Our events and fundraisers may look a little different for the 2020-21 school year, but our goal is to get our families involved and build relationships within our Guilford Community.
We will be using PTA Memberhub this year in order to become a PTA member, to buy Guilford Spirit ware and participate with other events and fundraisers. Memberhub will help us to be able to accomplish these things while maintaining safe social-distancing guidelines.
To provide a forum for the discussion and sharing of common educational concerns and ideas and
To serve as a network for interaction among local parent groups, students, teachers, administrators and the Loudoun County Public School System and
To secure for all students in the Loudoun County Public School System the highest advantages in academic, vocational, physical and social education.
The Loudoun Education Alliance of Parents (LEAP) is a non-partisan network that promotes interaction between parents, teachers, School Board members and members of the Loudoun County Public Schools Administrative Team.
The mission and objectives of LEAP are promoted via monthly meetings held during the school year on the second Wednesday of the month. Meetings are held in rooms 102 A and 102 B at the LCPS Administration Building in Ashburn, Virginia. Discussion of agenda topics commences at 7:00 p.m.
Each two-hour program features a panel discussion on topics of interest to parents and members of the community at large, followed by a Question and Answer session and an update from LCPS Superintendent Dr. Eric Williams.
Delegates are elected from each Loudoun County Public School's PTA, PTO or PTSO group to attend the monthly LEAP meetings. In addition to delegates, members of the community are encouraged to attend LEAP meetings.