Program Goals
The goals of the Loudoun County Public School Gifted Department are:
1.To become divergent creative thinkers who recognize problems and solve them.
2.To construct personal meaning and understanding of others and of the world
around them.
3.To develop the capacity for self-assessment (ownership of the learning).
What is SEARCH?
SEARCH teachers model lessons that challenge the thinking skills of all students in grades Kindergarten through Grade 3. Classroom teachers work with the SEARCH teachers to screen students for referral and identification for gifted services through FUSION.
What is FUSION?
Identified students in grades 4 and 5 receive gifted education services through FUSION. In the FUSION program, students receive one hour of service in language arts and one hour of services in mathematics each week. The FUSION teacher goes into the fourth or fifth grade class and works with any high level student on a curriculum designed for gifted students. The students receive two hours of gifted services in a thematic pull-out curriculum. The students study leadership during one year and innovation during the other.
What is EDGE?
EDGE Empowering Diversity in Gifted Education)
EDGE is designed to nurture and challenge students from historically underrepresented populations. The EDGE program offers enrichment and challenges provided by the SEARCH teacher.