Driving Directions to Leesburg Elementary School

From West
Rt. 7 east
Exit onto Rt. 7-Business to Leesburg
Bear left on W. Market St. at the fork
Bear left on Edwards Ferry Rd. for 0.9 miles
Turn left onto Plaza St., NE
School is on the left
From East
Rt. 7 west into Leesburg town limits
Turn right onto Plaza St., NE
Go through one light and two stop signs
School is on the left
From North
Rt. 15 South
Turn left onto the Leesburg Bypass
Turn right onto Battlefield Pky., NE
Turn left on Plaza St.
School is on the right.
From South
Rt. 15 North
Bear to the right on Rt. 7-Leesburg Bypass
Turn left onto Sycolin Rd.
Go north .3 miles
Continue on Plaza St., SE for 0.3 miles
Continue on Plaza St., NE for 0.9 miles
School is on the left