What is SEL (Social-Emotional Learning)? 

Definition: Social-emotional learning (SEL) is how children and adolescents learn and apply knowledge and skills to develop healthy identities and confidence, set and achieve goals, manage feelings, work and play with others, show empathy, make responsible and caring decisions, and solve problems. Through SEL, students are better able to learn and contribute to a positive school environment. These skills are what build foundational knowledge to support the Profile of an LCPS Graduate and career readiness skills.

  • SEL at Leesburg Elementary

    • Approach to SEL

    • Students receive Second Step SEL instruction daily through Morning Meeting.

    • Supports relationship and skill building                                                                  

How does SEL benefit our students?

Decades of research show SEL has ALWAYS been important - and it’s more evident now than ever before. Evidence is well-researched and consistent across hundreds of independent studies, showing SEL has a positive impact on students, adults, and the community. Academics: Students who were engaged in SEL programs saw an increase in academic achievement.  Mental Health: Students who were engaged in SEL programs experienced fewer behavioral problems and decreased emotional distress. Skills Development: Students who were engaged in SEL programs saw improvement in social and emotional skills. Climate: SEL improved students’ perceptions of school climate, safety, and sense of belonging.

SEL Supports ONE LCPS Strategic Plan for Excellence:

Goal 1: Empowered Students

  • ACTION 1.1 – Core Academic Excellence

Enable student academic excellence by providing rigorous and culturally-

responsive instruction to develop all students as knowledgeable critical thinkers, creators, communicators, collaborators, and contributors.

  • ACTION 1.3 – Care for Students

Ensure a safe and affirming learning environment for all students by implementing a system of supports to address their academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs.

  • Strategy: Provide social and emotional learning and mental health, nutrition, and wellness services for all students

  • ACTION 1.4 – Student Voice

Create regular opportunities to hear and act on student interests, experiences, and dreams.

Communities, Families, School, Classroom, SEL Instruction & Climate, Schoolwide Culture, Authentic Partnership, Aligned Learning

Second Step