At Leesburg Elementary, technology is an integral part of your child's academic experience. Teachers at Leesburg Elementary enhance instruction through the use of chromebooks and iPads. Loudoun County’s model is for technology to be integrated seamlessly across the curriculum. Everyday at Leesburg is an opportunity for students to experience the power of technology hands-on. The Instructional Facilitator of Technology is available to assist teachers with lesson research, planning and delivery.

Soaring Into Technology
Technology Team
Julie Christ ~ Instructional Technology Facilitator
Carlos Moino ~ Digital Experience Specialist (DES)
Hour of Code is organizing the Hour of Code, a massive campaign to recruit 10 million students to try one hour of computer science during
Computer Science Education Week is in December
Why Computer Science?
Every student should have the opportunity to learn computer science. Basic programming activities help nurture creativity and problem solving skills. By starting early, students will have a foundation for success in any future career path.
Computer programming jobs are growing 3x faster than students entering the field. Yet fewer schools teach computer science than 10 years ago. 90% of K-12 schools in the United States don’t even teach it.
Visit Hour of Code Activities to learn more about the hour of code.
What is the Hour of Code?
A self-guided activity for students of all ages.
Tutorials will feature lectures from Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, and artwork from popular games Angry Birds and Minecraft.
An effort to demystify code, and change the conversation around computer science

Leesburg Elementary School maintains our Common Sense Digital Citizenship School status since first earning the endorsement in 2014.
Common Sense Media for Educators provides parents, students, and schools with quality information regarding the safe use of 21st Century media. Leesburg Elementary School used curriculum resources from Common Sense Media to prepare students for the personal responsibility required for BYOT. Visit the website for more information on helping your children learn to safely and effectively navigate their digital lives. You can also visit Common Sense Media for Parents for additional resources.
Digital Passport (available for students in grades 3-5)