Health & PE

The Rock's Health & PE Department
Mr. Carter (10th grade PE & Drivers Ed)
Mr. Craig (9th grade PE & Health)
Mr. Geyer (10th grade PE & Drivers Ed)
Mr. Lalli (9th grade PE & Health)
TBD (10th grade PE, Drivers Ed & NASM)
Mr. Urquhart (9th grade PE, Health & Weight Training)
Our goal for the 2023-2024 academic year is to make Physical Education fun! We want our students to try new sports and activities this year. Our hope is for all students to find ways they can be active as young adults and beyond. Throughout the year, our students will be offered choices of team sports (flag football, basketball etc.), lifetime activities (hiking, tennis, golf, pickleball etc.), and fitness classes (pilates, yoga etc.).
Driver Education Information
We offer permit testing at Rock Ridge high school. Testing is available once a month after school. Dates and registration can be found in your child's PE Schoology page.
We also offer Behind the Wheel driving---the final step to getting your license. Registration for Behind the Wheel can be found below.
Classroom Driver Education is completed in the 1st semester of sophomore year. DEC cards can be picked up upon completion of classroom Driver Education from the counseling secretary.
Behind the Wheel
Rock Ridge will begin taking applications from qualified 10-12 graders who wish to take Behind the Wheel.
Hold a valid VA driver’s permit.
Earned a passing grade in Driver’s Education course in 10th grade PE, (District-8 Card)
Students and Parents have attended the 90-minute mandatory “Partners for Safe Teen Driving” presentation.
Completed and signed the 45-hour driving log.
Important items to note:
Behind the Wheel consists of 7 days of driving and observation lessons.
Lessons must have 2 students present.
No lessons on Sundays per state law.
Cost for the 7-day course is $225.00.
Parents/Guardians will be provided the SchoolCash Online (SCO) link via e-mail to register or sign into their online account, locate items on their student(s) tab, and make payments.
To register for the course CLICK HERE
When it gets near your student’s turn, you and your student will be contacted by the instructor. Please allow patience with scheduling because two students must be present at all lessons.
What to have ready for the first day of Behind the Wheel?
Driver’s Permit (Must have at all lessons)
District-8 Card (Pink Card)
Parent permission form: Download HERE
Signed 45-hour Driving Log
IMPORTANT NOTE: Students who have taken Driver's Education at another high school will need to get their Certificate of Completion (DEC card) from their previous school. Students must have attended the "Partners for Safe Teen Driving" presentation to get their certificate. This is required by the Code of Virginia.