Security at RRH
Security Contacts at RRH
Do you have school-specific questions? Please reach out to one of the members of our security team below:
School Security Officer: Todd Kinkead
School Security Officer: Kaitlyn Victor
School Security Officer: Tavis Henry
School Resource Officer: Mike Baker
Any and all information about Safety and Security can be located on the LCPS Safety and Security page. Some resources are linked on the left of this page.
Emergency Drills
In keeping in compliance with Loudoun County Public Schools emergency drill requirements, Rock Ridge High School will randomly conduct the following drills throughout the school year:
Fire Drills, Earthquake Drills, Secure the Building Drills, Tornado Drills, and Bus Evacuation Drills.
If You See Something...Say Something
Who to Notify and What to Report
Report suspicious behavior to:
Person in authority
Trusted adult
School staff member: teacher, counselor, secretary, custodian,
cafeteria worker, bus driver
Describe what you saw:
WHAT did you observe? Be specific.
WHO did you see?
WHEN did you see it?
WHERE did you see this occur?
WHY is it suspicious? The safety of our schools is everyone’s responsibility.
If you SEE something, SAY something. Report Suspicious Activity to School Staff and Law Enforcement Immediately.
Call 703-777-1021 or 877-4VA-TIPS (877-482-8477).
Parking Permit Information and Application
If you are going to drive a vehicle to RRH there are some rules and procedures to follow. Please find the information and a link to the mandatory parking pass application on the RRH website
Don’t delay and the passes are currently available at no cost to every driving student with parent’s permission. Use the link above to complete the on-line form and then seek me, SSO Kinkead out during your lunch. I will confirm the form was completed, verify your driving status, and then issue you a parking pass. Please only park in the front student parking lot (A-5). Ensure you don’t delay in obtaining your pass as enforcement will begin on September 5.