Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO)
We are a group of parents, guardians, administrators, teachers, staff, students, and community members dedicated to supporting the learning environment of Rock Ridge High School!
Our Objectives Include:
Providing support and service to the students, families, educators, and community of Rock Ridge High School so that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of all students
Promoting a spirit of caring, good citizenship, and respect for others within the school and community
Encouraging family and community involvement in the education of all students
Why Get Involved?
Children Benefit - Research shows children perform better when families are engaged in education both at home and school
Rock Ridge Benefits - The PTSO provides support for teachers, administration and students
Make Connections - Get to know teachers, staff better and other families!
It's Good for You - Volunteering is rewarding while allowing you to contribute your skills and knowledge for your child's school!
PTSO Financial Supports:
Staff welcome back breakfast, Teacher Appreciation Week, Senior Grad Party, Clubs, Senior Scholarships, Principal's Discretionary fund, Students in need, Holiday luncheons, and Tea Time Tuesday.
How Do We Fundraise?
We fundraise through Spirit Nights, Donations, Practice test fees, Amazon Smiles, and by linking your Harris Teeter VIC card.
Use the QR Code or this link to connect your Harris Teeter VIC card to Rock Ridge High School.

Click Here to donate and join us in helping us support Rock Ridge High School students and educators.
PTSO Meeting Dates
SY 2023-2024 Meeting Information
All PSTO General Body Meetings will be held in the RRHS Library at 7pm
Monday, September 18th
Thursday, November 2nd
Thursday, January 11th
Thursday, March 7th
Thursday, May 9th
Other Ways We Communicate:
Weekly Sunday "SMORE" email from Principal Duellman
Follow & "like" us on
Facebook: RockridgehighschoolPTSO and Instagram: Rockridge_PTSO
Remind App: Join here to connect to our @rrhsptso class for last minute updates & reminders
Find us on Facebook: Click Here
PTSO Executive Board
PTSO Executive Board for 2023-2024
President – Sangeetha Venkatakrishnan Email Sangeetha Venkatakrishnan
VP Communications – Open Email Communications
VP Fundraising – Amar Athikam Email Fundraising
VP Membership – Open Email Membership
Treasurer – Sarath Kolla Email Sarath Kolla
Secretary – Adela Barnes Email Adela Barnes