Welcome to Rock Ridge School Health Office!
School Nurse: Steve Park, BSN, RN Email Steve Park
Clinic Hours 8:45-4:15pm
Clinic Phone - 703-996-2106
Fax Number - 703-996-2101
Except for an emergency, students who are ill or need to visit the nurse must have a pass from their teacher.
No in between class visits.
All Paperwork Must Accompany Medication!
All student medications (prescription and over the counter) must be checked into the clinic by a parent or guardian. This includes cough drops.
Student Medication
General - All medicines should be administered to students by their parents at home if at all possible. Medicine administered at school will strictly follow the procedures described below. Any student who fails to follow these procedures or whose parents fail to follow them will be excluded from school until compliance is assured. The principal shall determine whether or not there is compliance with the provisions of this policy.
If it is necessary that medication be given during school hours, the following regulations must be followed:
Prescription Medication
Medication(s) must be brought to school in the original container with the appropriate label intact. Parent/guardian must bring medication(s) to the nurse, health aide, or designee. Medication(s) will be kept in a locked medicine area of the clinic. All prescription medicine MUST be in the ORIGINAL pharmacy bottle with the proper label containing the students name, medication, dosage, and instructions for administration. If you ask, the pharmacy will give you an extra bottle for liquid or tablets with the proper amount of medicine for school.
The Nurse/Health Aide must have written instructions from the physician in order to administer prescription medications. These should include:
Student’s name
Name and purpose of medicine
Dosage and time of administration
Possible side effects and measures to take if those occur
End date for administering the medicine
Parent signature giving permission to administer medicine and to contact physician if necessary
Physician’s signature
Download and return completed form to the nurse
Non-Prescription Medication
Must be in an original package with the name of the medicine and instructions
Must have a signed and dated note or form H6, Medication Administration form, from the parent regarding when and how much medicine to administer
Will be given according to the amount listed on the package for your child’s age and weight unless the doctor’s orders on a medication form indicate differently
Safekeeping of Medication
All medication must be kept by the school nurse or designated person in a secure, locked place known by and accessible to any person who may have to administer life-saving medication. Students may not carry or keep medications in their lockers, sport bags, bookbags, and on their person.
Emergency Life Saving Measures
The parent of any student who has a condition that would require emergency, life-saving medication or other measures must inform the clinic of the condition and provide instructions from the attending physician on measures to be taken, including administering any medication. These instructions should cover measures to be taken while the student may be on a school bus or other times when medicine is not immediately available.
Download and return completed physician order form to the nurse:
Chronic illness or allergy
If a student has a chronic disease or allergy that requires an emergency dose of life-saving medication to be kept on his person at all times, a statement from the attending physician on the type of medication, dosage, and method of administration should be provided for the school nurse. Parents may wish to leave a second dose of this medication in the custody of the school nurse. Parents are asked to call the school nurse if they have any questions about the administration of student medications.
Students who have fevers should be kept at home for at least 24 hours after the fever subsides without the aid of fever reducing medication.
Be sure to keep emergency contact phone numbers and information up-to-date so that we can reach you if your child is ill or injured.
Students who are ill must see the nurse first before leaving school. As a matter of routine, the nurse will contact parents before sending a student home (includes students 18 or older). Questions about clinic procedures and expectations should be directed to the nurse. Students should not call their parents on their own phone.
Hospitalizaion/procedure/ER visit
Students who are returning to school after a hospitalization (surgery or illness), or a procedure (broken bone or tests) must have a release from the physician. The release should include the following information: approval for the student to return to school, the activity level allowed, any current restrictions, and the duration of those restrictions. Please remind your attendance secretary and/or guidance office that this information must be shared with clinic staff in order to ensure the student’s safe return to school.
If you have questions or concerns over the Summer, please direct them to Health Services, 571-252-1017.
Concussion Documents
INOVA Concussion Team and LCPS Athletic Training Team recently met to formulate and update the Concussion Education Material for parents and students. Head/Brain Injury Home Education