Welcome to Military Families and our new Lunsford Lions!
J. Michael Lunsford Middle School and Loudoun County Public Schools welcome military families and their students. We are committed to providing ongoing support with a greater understanding and recognition of the unique attributes of our military-connected students and their families. We look forward to collaborative communication with the parents and families of our students as needed.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of our staff members below.
JML Point of Contact - Jennifer Nocito
JML Attendance and Registration - Vicki Nunan
Family Liaison - Brandi Adams
School Social Worker - Jennifer Poteat
Principal - Amanda Hudson
LCPS Point of Contact - Tracy Wood
Planning Your Arrival to LCPS
Enrolling your student in a new school can be difficult, so we put together some resources in LCPS that help families know who to contact for certain scenarios. Each school has a designated registrar that enrolls each student in their respective schools. The following links provide helpful information about the registration process.
School Liaison Officers for Military Families
Elizabeth Daffine | Email Elizabeth Daffine
Amy Fishman | Email Amy Fishman
Information for Leaving LCPS
Please direct all questions and/or concerns regarding transferring your child to our School Registrar:
Vicki Nunan Email Vicky Nunan
General Student Records / Transcript Transfer Information
Student Support
Academic, Career, and Personal/Social Support
School Counselors are certified/licensed educators with the minimum of a Master's degree in School Counseling and are uniquely qualified to address the academic, career, and personal/social needs of all students. By designing, implementing, and evaluating a comprehensive school counseling program, school counselors serve to promote and enhance student success.
Click Here to find your child's School Counselor
School Social Workers are trained mental health professionals with a master’s degree in social work from a university accredited by the Council on Social Work Education, who are licensed by the Virginia Department of Education. We are the link between home, school and the community by providing services to promote and support students’ academic and social success. School Social Workers help parents, students, and school staff identify needs that interfere with learning and work to get the services they need to resolve social, emotional and behavioral problems through comprehensive socio-cultural assessments, collaboration, individual counseling, groups, and Restorative Practices.
JML School Social Worker - Jennifer Poteat Email Jennifer Poteat
Physical Needs Assistance
The Office of Outreach Services supports Family Liaisons at each school. Family Liaisons connect students and families to the school community and identify tools and resources that will help all students achieve educational success.
JML Family Liaison - Brandi Adams Email Brandi Adams
Student Assistance
The Office of Student Assistance Services oversees Attendance Support and Intervention, Substance Use Prevention and Intervention, Restorative Practices, and Positive Experiences in Educational Relationships (P.E.E.R.) which focus on resiliency building, healthy decision making, living a substance free lifestyle, and establishing supportive relationships. Our mission is to promote student wellness and safety by fostering the personal strengths and resiliency within each student as we encourage them to make meaningful contributions to the school community and the world. For more information, click here.
JML Student Assistance Specialist - Blaise Carland Email Blaise Carland
Students with Special Needs and Parent Rights
Virginia is one of only a few states in which parental consent is required before initial eligibility determination or any change in the students' eligibility identification; any revision to the student's IEP; any partial or complete termination of special education and related services (except for graduation with a standard or advanced diploma); and the provision of free appropriate public education to transfer students.
Additional Resources for Military Families with
Children Requiring Special Accommodations
Academic Planning & Programs
General Academic Information
Virginia Standards of Learning
Loudoun County Public Schools is proud to offer an ROTC program for current students interested in pursuing a military career. Loudoun County High School is currently the only school offering this program.
To learn more about the ROTC program at Loudoun County High School, click here.
Additional Military Connected Family Resources
Purple Star Purple Star
Great for trainings, workshops & informational sessions Purple Star Schools
Tutor.com -only for military students k-12
Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
The Military Interstate Compact
The Department of Defense, in collaboration with the National Center for Interstate Compacts and the Council of State Governments has developed an interstate compact that addresses the educational transition issues of children of military families.
Currently, all 50 states and the District of Columbia participate in the interstate compact that provides a uniform policy platform for resolving the challenges experienced by military children.
It is estimated that the average military family moves three times more often than the average non-military family. These frequent moves can cause children to miss out on extracurricular activities and to face challenges in meeting graduation requirements. The Compact will ensure that the children of military families are afforded the same opportunities for educational success as other children and are not penalized or delayed in achieving their educational goals by inflexible administrative and bureaucratic practices. States participating in the Compact would work to coordinate graduation requirements, transfer of records and course placement and other administrative policies.