School Counseling
Kindergarten, 2nd , 3rd

Mrs. Smith is a passionate and dedicated School Counselor with a Master's degree in School Counseling. She brings a rich and diverse background to her role, having experience as a teacher, mental health professional, and stay-at-home mom. Mrs. Smith is excited to work with Kindergarten, 2nd, and 3rd-grade students, providing bi-weekly counseling lessons, as well as facilitating small groups focused on building social skills, coping strategies, and self-regulation.
In addition to group sessions, Mrs. Smith offers opportunities for students to participate in counselor-led lunch groups and one-minute check-ins, where they can receive additional support and guidance in a relaxed, approachable setting. She is committed to helping each child grow emotionally and socially in a positive, nurturing environment.
Outside of school, Mrs. Smith enjoys spending time with her supportive husband, two energetic children, and their beloved family dog. She is an avid reader, enjoys walking, and cherishes quality time with friends and family. Mrs. Smith also serves as the president of a local Toastmasters club and volunteers as a Sunday school teacher on the weekends.
With a deep commitment to both personal growth and community involvement, Mrs. Smith looks forward to fostering a safe, inclusive, and encouraging space for every student she works with.
1st, 4th, 5th

I was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. I have lived in Virginia for 1 year and I love it here! I have been a school counselor for 11 years this August. I hold a Masters degree in School Counseling as well as a Masters degree in Educational Leadership. I can’t wait to share my wealth of knowledge with so many of you!
When I’m not teaching, I love to read and listen to books. I also love spending time exploring D.C. with my husband and four children. We also have 2 dogs, a cat, a tortoise, and a hedgehog that keep us busy at home!
Counselors Help Students Learn
Each school in Loudoun County Public Schools has a School Counseling program. Licensed School Counselors are responsible for the organization and management of guidance programs in the schools. School Counselors work with students, parents, teachers, and administrators to help students succeed in school and prepare for meaningful, productive lives. The School Counseling program is child-centered and developmentally appropriate and encourages students’ academic, social/emotional, and career awareness.
School counseling services are inclusive and respectful of differences in gender, religion, ethnicity, race, ability, and age.
What Do School Counselors Do?
Counsel with students individually
Lead small groups focused on a particular topic
Teach classroom lessons addressing bullying prevention, careers, coping strategies, etc.
Respond to student needs in crisis situations
Orient new students
Participate in the referral process of students to special programs and/or services
Analyze test results to provide information about abilities, achievement, interests, and needs
Coordinate efforts with other school specialists
Conduct conferences with parents
Facilitate parent discussion groups
Adhere to ethical and legal standards
Reasons to Contact a School Counselor
Academic concerns
Social/emotional concerns
Your child is new to Ashburn Elementary
Information on community resources
Special needs of students
Student crisis situations
Change in your family situation
Counselor's Corner
School Counselors work with students, parents, faculty, staff and community members in a variety of ways. Each service is aimed at helping children learn and develop to their highest potential. School counselors help children work through normal developmental issues and teach skills that will help students throughout life. Elementary school counseling services are available to ALL students. The various programs and services are summarized below.
Classroom Guidance
Classroom counseling lessons are provided throughout the year to all grade levels. Class activities and discussions with students focus on a variety of topics such as understanding self and others, making friends, differences in tattling and reporting, dealing with bullying situations, cooperation, problem solving, decision making, conflict resolution, career awareness, and social emotional education.
Small Group
Small group lessons will be offered two or three times a year for students to discuss specific concerns they have in common with other students. The groups are based on data to support academics, behavior or attendance. Small groups typically meet during lunch or WIN (what I need) time to be least disruptive academically. It is often comforting for a student to work with peers in a small group setting to discuss similar concerns or learn coping skills. These groups will cover topics using data driven and researched based Character Strong curriculum. The four topics support most issues and include relationship building, coping skills, self-regulation skills and self-management skills. Parent permission is needed to participate. Groups will meet for approximately six eight weeks. Each weekly session is about thirty minutes long. The first small groups will begin in the fall. Other groups will be held throughout the year.
Individual Counseling
We are also available to meet individually with students to discuss any concerns or worries. Typically, these issues are related to friendship, grief, changing family situations, resolving conflict, and other social and emotional concerns. Students may be referred to the counselor by a parent, teacher or administrator. Students may also refer to themselves. If you would like for your child to be seen individually, please contact us.
Additional Services
We are available for consultation with parents and/or teachers to discuss issues which might be impacting a student’s academic, emotional or social success and to plan strategies for successful learning.
Please remember that the counselors are here to help your child have the best school year possible and to help you and your child’s teacher make that happen. We look forward to getting to know each of you and your children throughout the year. Should you have any questions or concerns, please call 571-434-4450 or email Cheryl Shotwell or Katrina Smith.