Digital Citizenship Vision Statement
Lowes Island Elementary has demonstrated its commitment to taking a whole-community approach to preparing its students to use the immense power of digital media to explore, create, connect, and learn while limiting the perils that exist in the online realm, such as plagiarism, loss of privacy, and cyberbullying. We realize the importance of being a good steward of technology, and it starts with education. We make it a priority that all students receive digital citizenship lessons throughout the school year. Our school has 100 percent embraced and integrated Common Sense resources with the students, staff, and families within our district as the first educational piece.
Lowes Island Elementary, Sterling, Virginia
LCPS Technology Support
LCPS Technology Help Desk
LCPS Technology Support Center: (571) 252-2112
Email Technology Support (Monday-Friday 7:30 AM-5:00 PM)
Get Assistance with Schoology
How to make a new QR Code card for your K-2 student
Print a new QuickCard for your K-2 Student
Password Recovery - 3rd- 5th Grade Slide 23
View this document Slide 23 for instructions on doing password recovery
Get a replacement Chromebook Power Supply
Go to the My School Bucks Website to order a replacement Power Supply for a Chromebook