Watch dogs

Welcome to the Lowes Island Watch D.O.G.S. program, a program that enables DADS to volunteer and be a part of your child's day. We are so excited that you are interested in volunteering! For more information, please contact Kim Schroeder, our parent liaison at

 Watch D.O.G.S Video


Sign-up D.O.G.S

A word from one of our Watch DOGS!!!

“I had a wonderful day as a watch DOGS.  I spent time in many different classes, in the halls (really nice 3rd grade artwork by the way), and in the lunch room.  I awarded 3 Awesome Pawesomes; two to young men who were restocking the iPad cart and carefully plugging in the chargers, and one to a young leader in the lunch room.  It’s a great story I hope to tell you the next time we meet.

There may be opportunities later this spring if you’ll have me.  It was a blessing.

 I respect how well organized you have things.  It made my day pretty easy.”

 Bill Braddy